CANivore API

All device constructors have an overload that takes a string CAN bus identifier. This identifier can be rio for the native roboRIO CAN bus, * to select the first available CANivore, or a CANivore’s name or serial number. On non-FRC Linux systems, this string can also be a SocketCAN interface.


If there are multiple CANivores with the same name, the system will use the first CANivore found.

If no CAN bus string is passed into the constructor, or the CAN bus string is empty, the behavior is platform-dependent:

  • roboRIO: use the roboRIO native CAN bus

  • Windows: use the first CANivore found

  • non-FRC Linux: use SocketCAN interface can0

TalonFX fx_default = new TalonFX(0); // On roboRIO, this constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
TalonFX fx_rio = new TalonFX(1, "rio"); // This also constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
TalonFX fx_drivebase = new TalonFX(0, "Drivebase"); // This constructs a TalonFX on the CANivore bus named "Drivebase"
CANcoder cc_elevator = new CANcoder(0, "Elevator"); // This constructs a CANcoder on the CANivore bus named "Elevator"
hardware::TalonFX fx_default{0}; // On roboRIO, this constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
hardware::TalonFX fx_rio{1, "rio"}; // This also constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
hardware::TalonFX fx_drivebase{0, "Drivebase"}; // This constructs a TalonFX on the CANivore bus named "Drivebase"
hardware::CANcoder cc_elevator{0, "Elevator"}; // This constructs a CANcoder on the CANivore bus named "Elevator"
fx_default = hardware.TalonFX(0) # On roboRIO, this constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
fx_rio = hardware.TalonFX(1, "rio") # This also constructs a TalonFX on the RIO native CAN bus
fx_drivebase = hardware.TalonFX(0, "Drivebase") # This constructs a TalonFX on the CANivore bus named "Drivebase"
cc_elevator = hardware.CANcoder(0, "Elevator") # This constructs a CANcoder on the CANivore bus named "Elevator"


Instead of raw strings, a CANBus object (Java, C++, Python) can be constructed and provided to device constructors. The API can also be used to retrieve information about any given CAN bus, such as the bus utilization.

// create a CAN bus for the CANivore named drivetrain
CANBus canbus = new CANBus("drivetrain");
// construct a TalonFX on the CAN bus
TalonFX fx = new TalonFX(0, canbus);

// retrieve bus utilization for the CAN bus
CANBusStatus canInfo = canbus.getStatus();
float busUtil = canInfo.BusUtilization;

if (busUtil > 0.8) {
   System.out.println("CAN bus utilization is greater than 80%!");
// create a CAN bus for the CANivore named drivetrain
CANBus canbus{"drivetrain"};
// construct a TalonFX on the CAN bus
hardware::TalonFX fx{0, canbus};

// retrieve bus utilization for the CANivore named drivetrain
CANBus::CANBusStatus canInfo = canbus.GetStatus();
float busUtil = canInfo.BusUtilization;

if (busUtil > 0.8) {
   std::cout << "CAN bus utilization is greater than 80%!" << std::endl;
# create a CAN bus for the CANivore named drivetrain
canbus = CANBus("drivetrain")
# construct a TalonFX on the CAN bus
fx = hardware.TalonFX(0, canbus)

# retrieve bus utilization for the CANivore named drivetrain
can_info = canbus.get_status()
bus_util = can_info.bus_utilization

if bus_util > 0.8:
   print("CAN bus utilization is greater than 80%!")

CANivore Status Prints

When working with CANivore CAN buses in a robot program, Phoenix prints some messages to report the state of the CANivore connection. These messages can be useful to debug connection issues (bad USB vs bad CAN) or report bugs to CTR Electronics.

Connection Messages


Connection Status

CANbus Failed to Connect

Could not connect to a CANivore with the given name or serial number

CANbus Connected

Successfully found and connected to the CANivore with the given name or serial number

CANbus Disconnected

Detected that a CANivore USB device has been disconnected

CANivore Bring-up Messages (Linux only)


Bring-up Status

CANbus Failed Bring-up

Found and connected to the CANivore, but could not configure the device or start the network

CANbus Successfully Started

Successfully configured the CANivore and started the network

Network State Messages


Network State

CANbus Network Down

Linux: The SocketCAN network has been deactivated, USB-to-CAN activity has stopped
Windows: Could not open the communication channels for USB-to-CAN traffic

CANbus Network Up

Linux: The SocketCAN network has been activated, USB-to-CAN activity has resumed
Windows: Successfully opened the communication channels for USB-to-CAN traffic