What is Licensing

All supported Phoenix 6 devices can freely use the Phoenix 6 API. Licensing a device can enable additional features that can enhance performance or user experience. A breakdown of the features offered by licensing your device is available at Feature Breakdown.

Licenses will enable Phoenix Pro features on hardware when the device firmware and API versions match the license year. For example, a 2023 license enables Pro when used with 23.X firmware and 23.X Phoenix 6 API. A 2024 license would enable Pro features when used with 24.X firmware and 24.X API.


Using Phoenix 6 simulation with Pro features does not require licensing.

Types of Licenses

Season Pass (FRC Teams Only)

A single purchase that allows FRC Teams to license the team’s devices for Phoenix Pro.

Season Pass generated licenses are equivalent to Single Device licenses but are tied to the team number assigned to the Season Pass after purchase.

Season Pass Licensing
Single Device

A single device license can be activated and installed individually per device. Each purchase licenses exactly one compatible CAN bus device to use Phoenix Pro features.

This may be preferred for systems with a small number of devices that need to utilize Pro features, or when used in a benchtop application.

Device Licensing
CANivore Bus

This license is activated and installed onto the CANivore, and enables Phoenix Pro features for every CAN-connected device. This means that every compatible device that is attached to a licensed CANivore via CAN bus will be able to use Phoenix Pro features.

This license type is advantageous if there are a large number of devices and eliminates the need to license additional devices in the event of a replacement.

Device Licensing