Tuner History

Tuner history provides insight on past connected devices and robot networks. Device History allows teams to view previously connected devices and license them without being directly connected to them. Users may wish to license previously connected devices due to a lack of internet connection while being connected to them. Network History indicates a list of past connected robot networks.

Users can access a list of past devices connected to Tuner X and license them via the Device History page. This is accessible from the left-hand sidebar. This list is not automatically refreshed, but users can refresh it by pressing the refresh icon in the top-right of the page.

Device History robot

Licensing from Device History

Users can activate a license for a disconnected device by clicking on the device in the Grid. Then, select the “PRO” icon at the bottom right of the device card.

From there, the user can activate a license for the device like normal. Once the device license has been activated, the user still needs to connect Tuner X to the robot to transfer the activated license to the device.

The “PRO” icon may be replaced with a greyed “LIC” icon in the following situations:

  • The device is on Phoenix 5 firmware and actively connected to Tuner X

  • The device is not a Phoenix 6 compatible device

Users who license an eligible Phoenix 6 device running Phoenix 5 firmware must update the device firmware to v6 compatible firmware to utilize licensed features.